Sunday, May 3, 2009

Just as I thought

Well, it's just as I thought.

It's been a week and a half since we got the car and we haven't ridden the bikes anywhere.

But in our defense, my Beloved's bike is in need of a number of repairs. Something's wrong with her rear sprocket and she broke a spoke and bent her rear wheel as well.

Also in our defense, it has been raining! I mean like we haven't hardly seen the sun at all the past week. And I'm not really exaggerating.

But tomorrow's forecast calls for mostly sunny. I believe I'll be cycling to work tomorrow.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Someone in our neighborhood has guineas. The day before as we rode by there were two of them running in a field, the one chasing the other.

And they were going at it! They were running full-tilt all over that field the entire time we were riding by and probably kept at it after we had gone.

I don't know what the bird being chased did to piss off the other one, but it must have been bad!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Life choices

So I got my bicycle last May, I think. Then I sold the car in August.

My Beloved and I have been cycling almost everywhere we needed to go since then. And it's been great. Mostly.

But the way we want to live our lives, there are just some times that we will have to have a car.

Hunting and fishing being one of them. Cutting firewood being another. I know, I know, we could do those things on a bicycle. But it would be more difficult than I care to deal with.

And in order to do those things we would have to purchase a heavy duty trailer. Which cost around $500. Which incidentally is what I paid for the car we've bought. So I think we're making the right choice here.

I don't particularly like cars. They are noisy, smelly and generally obnoxious. But my primary complaint against them is how much they cost.

And the primary purpose of living our lives in this manner is so that we can learn for ourselves what technological gadgets we need and want in our lives.

So, I was excited when I found a really nice car for such a low price.

The thing that I've enjoyed the most about bicycling the past several months is that for the first time since I was a teenager, I have a flat stomach. I went from a 46-48 inch waist to a 40, and my belt is showing signs of needing tightening again.

And it is very important to me not to lose this. Or rather, maybe gain it all back is the proper expression. So I still intend to ride the bike everywhere I can. But I expect it to be hard. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Especially in the beginning. I have a new toy, and I'll be wanting to play with it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Kickin my tail!

It's been a pretty rough week. I've been pretty low energy lately, and this excessive wind is very very wearisome.

Thankfully though I believe spring is finally gaining traction in my part of the world. There have been a couple of snaps with Old Man Winter making his final stands but I think he's finally done for ... at least for a while anyway.

Friday, April 3, 2009


I currently live in Kansas, which means one thing in the springtime ... wind.

I cycled all through winter. I battled sub-freezing temps, rain, snow, ice and (worst of all) slush. Without much problem at all.

But now the weather's warming up, and the wind is kicking into high gear. The last couple weeks it's been rare to have a day without at least 10-15 mile per hour wind. The last week has seen many days with 20+ mph winds. And it's really taking its toll.

It's an odd sensation to wake up in the middle of the night wondering what it is that woke you up, only to realize that it was the absence of wind noise that did it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kids at play

On the way into town there is a small goat farm.

The last several weeks have seen numerous additions to the farm as the does give birth.

The kids playing and romping around their paddocks are often good for a chuckle or two as I pass by.

This morning one kid in particular was climbing on top of an old tree stump in his pen. Wobbly-legged and wagging his tail in proud determination he conquered the stump.

I won't tell him that it was only a foot off the ground.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bodies were everywhere

Blood, guts and appendages littered the road as I weaved my bicycle among the carnage.

I shook my head as I passed through the battlefield, wondering at the ferociousness of the conflict.

It was like seeing the aftermath of an extremely poorly played live-action game of Frogger.

The little fellows never had a chance.

Spring is here.